Link Aadhaar With Pan Card, Online Full Procces – CSC Abhay IT Solutions

Table of Contents

1. Overview:-

For new applicants for PAN card, Aadhaar PAN linking is done automatically during the application stage. For existing PAN holders, who were allotted PAN on or before 01-07-2017, it is mandatory to link PAN with Aadhaar. Link Aadhaar service is available to individual taxpayers (both registered and unregistered on the e-filing portal). If you do not link your PAN with Aadhaar by June 30, 2023, your PAN will become inactive. However, those who fall in the exempted category will not be subject to the impact of deactivation of PAN.

2. Required Documents For this service –

  • Valid PAN
  • Aadhaar number
  • Valid mobile number

3. How to pay Aadhaar PAN link fee on e-filing portal

Step 1:- Go to the e-filing portal home page and click on Link Aadhaar in the Quick Links section. Alternatively, log in to the e-filing portal and click on link Aadhaar in the profile section.

Step 2:  Enter your PAN and Aadhaar number.

Step 3: Click on Continue payment through e-Pay Tax.

Step 4: Enter your PAN, PAN confirmation and any mobile number to receive OTP.

Step 5: After OTP verification, you will be redirected to e-Pay Tax page.

Step 6: Click on Proceed on Income Tax tile.

Step 7: Select the relevant assessment year and type of payment in the form of other receipts (500) and click on Continue.

Step 8: The amount applicable against others will be paid in advance. Click Continue.

Now the challan will be generated. On the next screen you have to choose the payment method. After choosing the payment method, you will be redirected to the bank’s website where you can make the payment.

After fee payment, you can link your Aadhaar with PAN on the e-filing portal.

4. How to submit Aadhaar PAN link request after fee payment

a- Aadhaar PAN link can be requested in both post login as well as pre-login mode.

Aadhaar PAN link request can be made both in the Post login as well as in Pre-login mode.

The steps for each of the mode are detailed below one by one:

Submit Aadhaar PAN link Request (Post login):

Step 1: Go to e-filing portal > Login > On the Dashboard, in the Profile section under Link Aadhaar to PAN option, click on Link Aadhaar.

Step 2: Enter Aadhaar number and click on Validate.

Submit Aadhaar PAN Link Request (Pre-Login):

Step 1: Go to the e-filing portal home page and click on Link Aadhaar under Quick Links.

Step 2: Enter PAN and Aadhaar and click on Validate.

Step 3: Enter the required details as required and click on link Aadhaar.

Step 4: Enter the 6 digit OTP received on the mobile number mentioned in the previous step and click on Validate.

Step 5: The request to link Aadhaar has been successfully submitted, now you can check Aadhaar-PAN link status.

Scenario 1: If payment details are not verified on the e-filing portal.

Step 1: After validating PAN and Aadhaar, you will see a pop-up message

“Payment details not found”. Click on Continue Payment through e-Pay Tax for payment of fee as payment of fee is a pre-requisite for submitting Aadhaar PAN link request.

Note: If you have already paid the fee, then wait for 4-5 working days. After that, you can submit the request.

Note: Please ensure you link your correct Aadhaar with your PAN.

If Aadhaar and PAN are already linked or PAN linked to some other Aadhaar , you will get following errors:

Scenario 2: PAN is already linked with the Aadhaar or with some other Aadhaar:

Scenario 3: If you have made payment of Challan and payments and details are verified at e-filing Portal.

Step 1: After validating PAN and Aadhaar you will see a pop-up message that ”Your payment details are verified”. Please click Continue on the pop-up message to submit Aadhaar PAN linking request.

Step 2: Enter the required details and click on Link Aadhaar button.

Step 3: The request to link Aadhaar PAN has been successfully submitted, now you can check Aadhaar PAN link status.

5. View Link Aadhaar Status (Pre-Login)

Step 1: On the e-filing portal homepage, under Quick Links, click Link Aadhaar Status.

Step 2: Enter your PAN and Aadhaar number, and click on the link View Aadhaar Status.

Upon successful verification, a message will be displayed regarding your Link Aadhaar status.

If AadhaarPAN linking is in progress:

If the Aadhaar-PAN linking is successful:

6. View Link Aadhaar Status (Post-Login)

Step 1: On your Dashboardclick Link Aadhaar Status.

Step 2: Alternatively, you can go to My Profile > Link Aadhaar Status.

(If your Aadhaar is already linked, Aadhaar Number will be displayed. If Aadhaar is not linked, Linked Aadhaar Status will be displayed).

Upon successful verification, a message will be displayed regarding your Link Aadhaar status.

DISCLAIMER:- This user manual is issued for information and general guidance purposes only. Taxpayers are advised to refer to the relevant circulars, notifications, rules and provisions of I.T. Work to obtain accurate information, interpretation, clarification applicable to their cases. The Department will not be responsible for actions taken and/or decisions taken based on this User Manual.

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